Why should you get a financial adviser?

Most of people will think about getting a financial adviser if they have money to invest or worried about retirement. Further, many will be scared by the fees or by handling their future money to one person.

However, this is only the top of the iceberg. A good adviser will advise you on many other topics:  budgeting, debt, super, insurance, tax, estate planning, properties.
Choosing a good adviser will also allow you to get contact with other professionals such as mortgage broker, buyer’s agent, solicitor and accountant. But you must check that the advisor doesn’t receive commissions or rebate them for independence.

Having all these people working with you will save you time and…money! How? Take the buyer’s agent for example, you’ll pay him a flat fee but he’ll negotiate the property you want cheaper and you should save at least what you paid him/her.

Having an adviser is also someone who you can call when your situation is changing like having a baby, getting retired or an unforeseen event. This is a trust relation

The main goal of the adviser should be to help you achieve your goal. This is a long term relationship and the Financial Plan is just the beginning.

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